🎒 Starter Pack

📣 Welcome, Adventurer! 📣

You’re about to take the first step on a journey into the world of biotechnology, startups, and entrepreneurship, where every discovery is a step toward infinity.

☝️ Let me tell you what this newsletter is, who it is for, and what to expect.

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The Quest of Infinity Biotech

Individually, our time on Earth is short. Collectively, we, as the human species, keep evolving, creating memes and knowledge. Finding a good explanation for our problems becomes the quest of a journey of infinity because once we find an explanation for a problem, more problems demand explanations be revealed.

Highly influenced and inspired by David Deutsch’s The Beginning of Infinity, Infinity Biotech is a newsletter that feeds the brains of aspiring biotech founders craving to contribute to this quest.

David Deutsch’s The Beginning of Infinity.

Who Is This Quest For?

Brave Entrepreneurs 🚀: Are you itching to start your own startup? As a three-time entrepreneur, I can tell you that the feeling of seeing an idea turn into a reality is the most addicting.

Curious Explorers 🔍: For the knowledge seekers and science enthusiasts who want to learn something new every week.

Visionary Thinkers 💡: Entrepreneurship is an art of philosophy and execution. If you love philosophical explorations, you are in the right place.

What to Expect on Your Journey

Weekly Scrolls of Wisdom 📜: Every Friday, a newsletter filled with news and timeless wisdom will be delivered to your inbox, keeping you informed and motivated on this journey of infinity.

Exclusive Hot Take 🔥: Unlike posts and articles on LinkedIn, we don’t have to satisfy the algorithm or try hard to get under the spotlight. The result? We say what we want here, and we say what the algorithm doesn’t want to hear. 🤓

Data and Guides 📊📚: Explore insights such as the number of VCs managing more than $1B in assets in the biotech sector, the common playbook in the biotech startup industry, and many more useful industry data points and unspoken rules of the game to keep your ignorance low.

Tales of Heroes 🦸‍♂️🎙️: You want to extract wisdom from people who have walked the talk, not from keyboard warriors sitting behind their desks all day. We will soon bring you podcasts and interviews with exclusive biotech startup executives.

The Creed

We entrepreneurs are brave and curious — of course, we always want to stay informed and take calculated risks.

The Creed, Infinity Biotech

Now, let’s begin the journey of infinity. ✨

1  This newsletter is run by beehiiv. Learn more about beehiiv here.