The Beginning of Infinity

The very first newsletter of this newsletter, The Infinity of Biotech

The journey begins.

July 28, 2024

I just returned home from THE POOL, a pool of 50 passionate founders and ambitious, interdisciplinary talents to form a team, build an AI-based MVP, and pitch to VCs.

“Thank you so much for your time, Anthony.”

“Thank you so much for your insights, Anthony.”

These kind words of appreciation still rang in my mind again and again - I was very grateful to be a mentor at this event.


Me talking about my previous entrepreneurship journey 😄 

I. What does not change?

Having hours and hours of conversations with these founders, I now cool down and reflect:

Not long ago, I wished to start my own business, be my own boss, and have an impact on the world. The beginning was not fun and full of denials—“don’t think you will make it,” “If it’s that easy, nobody will take a 9-to-5 job,” were the words my friends and family slammed into my face.

But wait, how did they know if my startup idea would fail? I had this well-thought-out plan in front of me to test the water while being held back by their so-called insightful critics.

The thing is, people who gave me the “not gonna work” criticism were those who had not started a company themselves or who did not start the exact same business at the same time as mine.

So, their critics are from the 9-5 day job lens looking at entrepreneurship, and that’s why the startup community with founders and ex-founders who have actually been through the A-Z is so valuable to aspiring founders.

Back then, I had a lot of assumptions and theories about the world and how a startup business should run. I took action and validated each of them. This feedback from the market economy and society is the data I gathered for my hypothesis testing, and these are the stone plates that back up my argument and point of view.

And now, here I am: if there is a museum that hosts my past entrepreneurship journey, looking back at the hallway of these stone plates, you will find writings about my doubts, logical deductions, results of my actions, and lessons I have learned.

Where else can you find them? - this newsletter : )

About This Newsletter

This newsletter serves as a carousel that displays the stone plates one by one, along with my recent reflections. The great thing is that this newsletter will forever be free, as the motivation behind its creation is not about money—it’s about the impact that sharing knowledge can make. So, if you find the content helpful and tell me that that’s all that matters, it really means a lot to me.

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P.S. Btw, if you wanna know, I use Beehiiv to build this newsletter. So far, so good. : )

Truly yours,

Anthony Ao


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